Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2016. (6):94-96 

L.A. Dubrovina
Institute of Manuscript of Vernadsky National Library of UkraineKyiv

Review of monograph by H.I. Kovalchuk “Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Bibliology (1922-1936)

The book is devoted to the history of Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Bibliology, which in its time gathered together a group of the representatives of the Ukrainian intellectuals. However, at the beginning of the 1930s, a campaign was started against the scientists accusing them of bourgeois nationalism with a conversion of activities into the “practical direction” of building socialism, and in 1936 the institution was eliminated. And even though the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Bibliology had existed for only a short time, it has left behind many achievements. 


Language of article: ukrainian