Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2020. (3): 78-87

O.I. Skopnenko
Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


The article deals with the normalization and codification of the new Ukrainian literary language, the formation of the spelling system of the Ukrainian language in the XX - beginning of the XXI century, spelling out the spelling reforms of the Ukrainian language. It is stated that language reforms change the behavior of the collective in those areas that most represent the symbolic function of language — its ability to be the main expression of the civilizational uniqueness of the people in the context of cultural and economic and political challenges at different stages of development.
Keywords: new Ukrainian literary language, spelling, codification, standardization, literary language, language reforms, 2019 edition of Ukrainian spelling.

Language of article: ukrainian

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