Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2013. (12): 40—49

А.А. Khalatov1, K.A. Yuschenko2, B.V. Isakov3, Yu.Ya. Dashevskiy3, A.P. Shevtsov4
1Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
2Paton Institute of Electrowelding of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
3State Enterprise Scientific and Production Complex of Gas Turbine Engineering «Zorya» — «Mashproekt», Mykolaiv
4Admiral Makarov National University of Ship Building, Mykolaiv


The gas turbine engineering is one of the high technology industry branches, employing many advanced and knowledge-capacious technologies, thus providing the progress in fundamental science and related industry branches. In this paper the structure of Ukrainian gas turbine industry is given, the comparison of basic characteristics of national gas turbine engines and foreign prototypes is presented; the effectiveness of national gas turbine engines application in power engineering and mechanical drive systems is shown. The basic directions of fundamental and applied studies required for improvement of national gas turbine engines is analyzed. The prospects of National Academy of Sciences institutes involvement into these investigations are considered, the fundamental and applied research program related to development of new generation of gas turbine technique is presented.

Keywordsgas turbine engineering, gas turbine engine, efficiency, energy plant, energy block.


Language of article: ukrainian.


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