Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr .2015. (7): 32-40

D.V. Dubyna, E.L. Kordyum
Kholodny Institute of Botany of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv


An idea of the system stability determined by lability of its components is one of modern scientific paradigms. In the light of this paradigm, a critical analysis of the classifications of adaptation strategy types of vascular plants is presented and current concepts on phenotypic plasticity in plants and its ecological significance are considered. Under the natural or anthropogenic environmental changes, plants display plasticity at the different levels of their organization that leads to the appearance of numerous phenotypic variations. It is proposed that the main mode of complicated cenobiotic interrelationships of plants, which are immobile and autotrophic, is coexistence, not competition, that is grounded on both the species biological and ecological specificity (ontogenesis duration, reproduction systems, succession of season development) and the level of phenotypic plasticity in the certain conditions of light intensity and spectrum, water supply, as well as by the soil type. Namely, coexistence of species different in biology and ecology provides stability of biocenosis and, thus, stability of the vegetation, without which life on the planet Earth is impossible.
Keywords: adaptation, competition, plasticity, plant, coexistence, stability, phenotypic variation


Language of article: ukrainian


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