Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2017. (10):42-52

A.V. Mokienko 1, L.Y. Kovalchuk 2, A.D. Krissilov 3
1 Ukrainian Research Institute for Medicine of Transport of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Odesa
2 Odessa National Medical University
3 Balkan Environmental Association, Odesa


The mathematical model for assessing the impact of surface water bodies as a risk factor for the health of the population of the Ukrainian Danube Region, which faces various types of environmental and sanitary-epidemiological problems, is developed. On the example of one of the surface reservoirs of the region (Lake of Katlabukh) a generalized aggregation estimate of water quality, which is used for drinking and household needs, is made. The vector model of the influence of water quality of the lake is developed in two versions: directly and in two stages, that is, a cascading variant. Comparability of both variants and possibility of carrying out calculations for an estimation of influence in two variants — depending on complexity of a problem — is considered.
Keywords: water, surface water, risk, health of population, mathematical model.

Language of article: ukrainian


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