Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2017. (2): 60-69

V.M. Matsui, U.Z. Naumenko
Institute of Geological Sciences of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv


We examine certain tenets of the controversial theory of the origin of fossil resins and amber-succinite. The study is based on the analysis of the history of the brown coal basins formation and adjacent marine areas in the European Cenozoic, geological position and material composition of fossil resins. Authors conclude that the main source of European placers of amber-succinite is the layers of bitumen-containing lignite of lower half of the middle Eocene (Buchakska formation and its stratigraphic analogues). In the light of the proposed concept bitumen-containing brown coal is considered as the primary source of European amber-succinite placers. The secondary origin of it is an indisputable fact. We characterize the temporal stages of resin fossilization in the transition from the wildlife into the inanimate as well as the main milestones of amber development history in Ukraine and the evolution of views on the origin of the solar stone.

Keywords: amber-succinite, fossil resins, Buchak time, Eocene, lignite, fossilization.

 Language of article: ukrainian


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