Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2017. (4): 61-72

Yu.P. Zaitsev
Institute of Marine Biology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odesa


The discovery on the surface of the pelagic zone of an unknown life form — the marine neuston, existence of which in the sea was considered to be impossible, has aroused interest among scientists and generated a number of questions, demanding explanations. Perhaps chief among them was “what is the biological expedience of such a high concentration of organisms in this biotope, with its extremely unfavorable, according to general opinion, living conditions?”. The search for answers to these and other questions revealed much new data and stimulated the revision of some common convictions about the structure of the marine environment and its dependence on natural and man-made factors. All these searches began and are still in development in the Institute of Marine Biology of NAS of Ukraine and its ideology is the further development of the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the strengthening of biogeochemical processes at the boundaries of the natural environments — atmosphere, sea, land and fresh water.
Keywords: contour biotopes, contourobionts, environmental sentinels, monitoring.

Language of article: ukrainian



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