Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2018. (10):44-51

A.I. Kornelyuk
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyіv

According to the materials of scientific report at the meeting of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, September 12, 2018

The article presents an overview of the development of computational grid technologies and their application in molecular biology. Within the framework of the Ukrainian National Grid, a virtual MolDynGrid laboratory has been set up to solve problems in the fields of structural biology and bioinformatics, in particular modeling of proteins molecular dynamics. Virtual organization VO:moldyngrid is integrated into EGI and is a part of its infrastructure. An example of the study of mutant forms of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase associated with neurodegenerative diseases has shown the effectiveness of grid technologies for modeling the dynamics of proteins. Other virtual organizations of the biological and medical profile of the Ukrainian National Grid are briefly described. The prospects of grid technologies for the development of nanobiotechnologies and the creation of new biomedical drugs in Ukraine are considered.
Keywords: grid, Ukrainian National Grid, MolDynGrid, protein modeling, molecular dynamics

Language of article: ukrainian



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