Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2017. (7):81-87

B.E. Paton, L.G. Rudenko, A.I. Bochkovska
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

To the 10th anniversary of the publication of National Atlas of Ukraine

The article is devoted to the 10th anniversary of the National Atlas of Ukraine publication — the first official informational cartographic work for common use in the history of the state. This article shows the structure and contents of the Atlas, which are based on the synthesis of knowledge and information about the nature and society of Ukraine. The article notes the areas where the Atlas is used, characterizes scientific, informational and applied resources, directions, perspectives and challenges for its further development.
Keywords: National Atlas of Ukraine, resources, population, socio-economic space.

Language of article: ukrainian


  1. National Atlas of Ukraine. (Kyiv: Kartografiya, 2007). [in Ukrainian].
  2. Rudenko L.G. (ed.), Bochkovska A.I., Kozachenko T.I., Parhomenko H.O., Razov V.P. The National Atlas of Ukraine. The scientific fundamentals of creation and their implementation. (Kyiv: Akademperiodуka, 2007). [in Ukrainian].