Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2019. (1):85-89

D.V. Stepovyk


In 2018, the Publishing House “Akademperiodyka” published a monograph by a scientific fellow at the Department of Fine Arts of the Institute of Book Science of VNLU Lyudmila Gutnik “Ukrainian film poster in 1947-1994 from the funds of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: a scientific catalog”. A significant in volume and chronological framework documentary layer of Ukrainian printed film posters (3442 titles) was introduced into the scientific circulation. The book contains 365 color images of film posters, most of which are reproduced for the first time, a directory of names of artists with short biographical information, a name index, in particular of directors, scriptwriters, operators, production designers, composers, sound operators, writers and persons depicted in the poster, as well as a title index of films.

Language of article: ukrainian