Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2019. (11): 72-76

V.P. Zhalko-Titarenko
Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of NAMS of Ukraine, Kyiv

In memory of Academician V.G. Drobotko

The article is dedicated to the memory of Academician Victor Drobotko, a well-known Ukrainian microbiologist and epidemiologist, director of the Institute of Microbiology and Virology of NAS of Ukraine (1944–1962), talented scientist, teacher, organizer of science, active public figure. The publishing house “Naukova Dumka” printed in 2018 the book “Commitment to Scientific Truth” by O.G. Kovalenko and S.V. Afonska (Drobotko), in which the life and scientific achievements of V.G. Drobotko, his creative potential and personal traits are highlighted, a bibliography, some archival materials, and a scientist's diary are also published for the first time.

Language of article: ukrainian

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