Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2019. (11): 3-12

A.M. Yermolenko
H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv


In this article, written upon the occasion of the 100th anniversary of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the author analyzes key trends of development of philosophy in the H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Ukraine. This analysis is put into the broader context of the paradigmatic changes of the world philosophy in the past decades. A major focus is put on achievements of the Institute’s research fellows in the past decades. Despite domination of the Marxist-Leninist ideology in the Soviet period, the Institute’s researchers went beyond the limits of the Marxist paradigm, and laid the foundation for development of philosophy during the post-Soviet period. In the independent Ukraine, philosophy is developing, both with regard to its language and methodology, in line with global philosophical trends, in the fields like philosophic anthropology, social philosophy, ethics, practical and political philosophy, logic, methodology of science, environmental philosophy etc. Contemporary philosophy in Ukraine took great efforts to develop concepts of democratic state and civil society. It reacts to today’s challenges, related to «post-truth» and «hybrid worldviews», trying to counteract dangers of moral relativism and nihilism with regard to norms and values. The author stresses that truth and ethos of research community are the important imperative requirements for the further development of philosophy in Ukraine.
Keyword: discourse, ethos, truth, science, post-truth, Enlightenment, philosophy, civilization.

Language of article: ukrainian

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